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Who We Are - What We Do

IEJT Civic Association

The Inniswold Estates Jefferson Terrace Civic Association is a neighborhood civic association focused on keeping our 1200+ residents informed of items of interest, holding one or two events each year to give residents an opportunity meet and mingle, taking action as necessary to prevent commercial activity (and zoning) to encroach into the residential areas of the neighborhood, and undertaking the occasional larger project to benefit the neighborhood as a whole (for example, install/maintain entrance signs and message boards).

The association represents all of our neighborhood, even those sections which are covered under a separate HOA (Homeowner’s Association). Membership in the IEJT Civic Association is completely voluntary and membership dues are minimal ($20 annually). (Members who pay through the online PayPal feature are charged an additional $1 service charge)

What do we do?

Some of the more recent association activities include:

  • Obtained permits and had entrance signs and message boards installed at various entrances to the neighborhood.

  • Took action to have our neighborhood officially designated as a "No Solicitation" neighborhood and purchased and had installed "No Solicitation" signs at various locations near neighborhood entrances.

  • Officially opposed a zoning request that would have allowed a gas station to be built at the corner of Jefferson Highway and Bluebonnet Blvd.

  • Opposed zoning requests that would encroach into the neighborhood's "single family residential" status.

On an ongoing basis throughout each year, the board accomplishes the following:

  • Serves as point of contact for our Metro Council representative and others wanting or needing to inform neighborhood residents of items of interest.

  • Meets monthly to discuss neighborhood issues, projects, activities and possible solutions to problems.

  • Maintains a Civic Association email address which residents can use to report items of interest or make inquiries.

  • Maintains a website with a blog used regularly to keep residents informed.

  • Maintains a Facebook page for posting items of general interest to keep residents informed.

  • Posts to the NextDoor network to keep residents informed.

  • Maintains the sign areas. We pay to have one sign area maintained (corner of Cal and Jefferson). The other sign areas are maintained through the personal physical labor of Civic Association Board members and the message boards are also maintained by a board member.

  • Promotes beautification of our neighborhood through our Yard of the Season program.

  • Submits photos and articles to the Advocate's Southside edition to publicize our neighborhood, residents and activities.

  • Coordinates efforts for an annual neighborhood-wide garage sale.

  • Holds an annual Jambalaya Lunch Social free for all residents of paid households.

  • Holds at least one annual meeting for all members, with speakers who can discuss issues of concern - our Metro Council representative is invited (and attends) every year, as well as other community leaders (such as the Sheriff’s Department, School Board representatives, etc.). We also bring in speakers when controversial issues are being considered (for instance, Better Together vs City of St. George).

  • We ensure our organization remains in good standing being appropriately registered with the Louisiana Secretary of State's office and our non-profit status with the IRS is properly reported and maintained.

  • We maintain membership in the Federation of Greater Baton Rouge Civic Associations, and at least one board members attends the monthly FGBRCA meeting to keep informed of larger issues of interest to Baton Rouge civic associations and HOAs. We pass along to residents any information of interest or concern.

  • Maintain proper records of Civic Association financial activities and keep neighborhood residents informed of these records - this includes an annual budget showing upcoming projects/activities and what is proposed to be spent on those.


We are not a mandatory HOA. We do not mandatorily collect dues but rely on voluntary participation. Many thanks to the paid members who support and fund the various activities and projects undertaken by the Civic Association for the benefit of the ENTIRE neighborhood.

It is not our role, nor do we have the authority to create or enforce restrictions on how homeowners may use their properties. This is covered by City/Parish ordinances and residents must be in compliance. Complaints should be referred to the City/Parish for investigation.

We do not patrol the neighborhood for crime, though we try to keep neighbors informed of crime occurring in the neighborhood. Crime is investigated by the Sheriff's Office which should be notified of theft, burglary, suspicious vehicles & persons, etc.

We have no authority to resolve disputes between neighbors.

What we strive to do:

We strive to bring our neighbors together to maintain a strong community. This is a very large neighborhood and we rely on everyone’s input to keep us thriving! We do our best to represent the best interests of everyone. We always want to hear your voice. We meet annually in March for residents to get questions answered and voice any concerns. We also enjoy social times when we can all get together for some food and fun. 

Inniswold Estates/Jefferson Terrace has a long, rich history of neighbors becoming friends. We enjoy a quiet, safe, friendly and beautiful spot in Baton Rouge. We encourage you to join the IEJT Civic Association and we hope you will find that the $20 annual membership fee is well worth it!

Want to make a difference in our neighborhood?

While out on your daily walk, why not bring a bag along and gather some trash to throw away? Have you noticed trash or paper signs at the entrances? Help keep our neighborhood entrances beautiful by cleaning up those areas, as well. Maybe consider sprucing up your yard, planting some new flowers or maybe a tree in your yard. (Your neighbors may even take notice and nominate your yard for the “Yard of the Season” award!) Or maybe you can share your talents by serving as an IEJT Civic Association Board Member. We meet monthly to address concerns and plan events. Please contact us at if you would like to be considered for the Board, if you would like to volunteer in another capacity, or if you have an idea you would like to share.

We are YOUR neighborhood civic association!

Check our Facebook page! 

Share our website! 

Copyright ©2010 P.O. Box 82563, Baton Rouge, LA 70884

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