Yard of the Month!
We are fortunate to have many IEJT residents who take special care to beautify their property and help improve the look of our community. The Yard of the Month program promotes landscaping and will recognize those who have outstanding displays.
The program runs from May through July and yards will be judged by a committee of the board. Monthly winners will receive a $25 gift certificate from Clegg’s and the honor of displaying a specially drafted sign recognizing their efforts.
Guidelines are as follows:
All IEJT residents EXCEPT those who are board members are eligible to participate. Nominate any residence (including your own) by mail at: IEJT Yard of the Month, 9772 E. Inniswold Road, BR 70809 or send an email to iejtonline@cox.net.
Nominations are due by the 25th of the month for the next month's contest, and selections will be made on the 1st of the next month. A board member will present the gift certificate and sign to the winner, as well as commendation letters to the alternates to let them know that we recognize and greatly appreciate their efforts.
The Yard of the Month sign is the property of IEJT Civic Association. A well-manicured, weed-free and colorful yard, combined with interesting landscape features is a winner. Now is the time to get out your gloves and hand tools and be the first on your block to prepare for this exciting program!