The IEJT Board met on Monday, February 6th. Included in the discussions were the following items:
We are seeking members who would like to serve on the Board of Directors. Several members of the board have served for several years. Please consider serving for a period of time; those who are interested may nominate themselves via e-mail to
A tentative date has been set during the last week of March for the General Membership Meeting. Final details will be posted here and sent by e-mail blast once all the speakers and a location have been confirmed.
YARD OF THE MONTH - The Yard of the Month award (sign and gift certificate to Clegg’s) will be given again this year for May, June and July. Get those yards in shape! Nominations for Yard of the Month may be e-mailed by the 20th of the previous month to
We want to have a door-to-door membership drive, and are seeking volunteers to help with this effort. IF YOU CAN HELP BY TAKING YOUR STREET, please send an e-mail to This will take place in March or April.The Association will provide flyers and some sort of identification (t-shirt or name tag). Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
Neighborhood safety and security concerns were discussed. We have a good presence from the Sheriff’s Office patrols, primarily as a result of calls to the Sheriff’s Office when suspicious persons or vehicles are noticed. Many break-ins are occuring between the hours of 9 am and noon; it is important for those who are home during the day to keep watch, and report suspicious activity, strangers in the neighborhood, soliciters and peddlers, etc.
George Morris of the Advocate is writing a story about our neighborhood. He may be contacting some long-time residents for information. Be on the lookout for this story to appear in a future edition.