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Summary of Board Meeting, 8/8/2011

Meaghan Beadle

The IEJT Civic Association Board met on August 8, 2011.  Here are some highlights of the meeting:

1)  In May, The Metro Council adopted a 25 MPH speed limit for residential streets.  Residents of East Inniswold will be contacted soon about a petition to lower the speed limit to 25 MPH and possibly have a 4-way stop sign installed at Floynell and East Inniswold.  The petition will be sent to the Traffic Division with a request to do a traffic calming study.   We will report on this process to members if residents of other streets wish to request studies.

2)  We are in the proces of working with the Sheriff's Office for code enforcement of parking and litter violations in the neighborhood.  Residents should be aware of and follow proper parking procedures.  Litter violations should be reported to the Litter Court at the 311 phone number. 

3)  VOLUNTEERS NEEDED, PLEASE!  October 15th has been set as the date for the neighborhood garage sale.  We are looking for one or two resident volunteers to coordinate the event, which will involve: act as contact person for sellers, compile a list of sales by address with a map of the subdivision; have colorful poster signs drawn & placed at 5 or so entrance streets; and take down the signs after the sale.   Anyone willing to volunteer for the whole job or any one of the duties should send an email to

4)  An IEJT Civic Association facebook page has been established.  Those of you who are on facebook can search for pages with the title "IEJT Civic Association" to locate it.  If you "like" the page, news updates to the page (which will be the same as here) will be sent to your FB newsfeed.  This is just another method by which we are trying to keep residents informed of neighborhood issues and Association activities.

5)  A "Welcome" Flyer was approved for new residents of the neighborhood.  This will be on the website shortly for folks to view; your assistance in printing out the flyer and giving it to your new neighbors when they move in will be appreciated!  A notice will be sent when this has been placed on the website.

6)  A print newsletter will be sent later this month to members who do not have internet access.  Do you know someone who should be on the mailing list?  Please send the information to



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