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Summary of Board Meeting, 6/6/2011

Meaghan Beadle

The board met on Monday, 6/6/2011, to finalize arrangements and plans for the June 11th (this coming Saturday!) Jambalaya in the Park!  Residents -mark your calendars and come meet your neighbors, and talk to Angela Harms, landscape architect with BREC, about park renovation plans.

Also, there will be a ballot box to vote on your preference for opening Oliphant between Inniswold and Floynell.    Residents whose dues are paid can get a jambalaya lunch for each member of their household;  residents who have not yet paid their 2011 dues may pay at the luncheon, and get jambalaya for each member of their household.

Another topic was the feasibility of continuing to issue a paper newsletter for those residents who do not have internet access.  It was agreed that such a newsletter should be sent; however, those residents who have internet access should join the website to receive neighborhood news because the cost to the Association is much lower than mailing paper notices to all households.

There are approximately 1200  - 1500 households in the IEJT neighborhood; and of those, 250 have paid the IEJT Civic Association dues.

Residents with internet access are encouraged to join/use the website.  There is no charge for the website;  however, residents are urged to support the Civic Association by paying the very low yearly dues of $20.   A check may be sent to the association at the address in the website header; or residents may use the online paypal option (in the left side-bar below the neighborhood business ads; scroll down a bit).   Be sure to include your name and address so that you may be properly credited for the payment.

At the request of some residents, the board is


asking the City-Parish for traffic calming studies for certain streets in the neighborhood.    If you feel your street is one that should be included in any such request, please send an e-mail to  E-mails to that address are forwarded to all board members.

There will be no board meeting in July;  the next board meeting will take place in August.




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