The Association Board met Monday evening (11/7/2011).
The items discussed included a report on the Neighborhood Garage Sale, which appears to have been a success! A huge "Thank You" to Wynette Kees who made permanent garage sale signs for the neighborhood to use each year to help direct customers.
There was also some discussion about the placement and wording for signs at entrances to the neighborhood. The association is planning to purchase and have installed signs at various neighborhood entrances; and final decision on the size and wording of the signs will be discussed at a later meeting, once more information has been obtained on cost.
Residents are encouraged to continue to report crime incidents to the association via email ( so that neighbors can be alerted in a timely way. Residents are also encouraged to let the association know of any arrests made in connection with incidents; we have a board member who will follow-up on prosecution of these crimes.
The association will have a door-to-door MEMBERSHIP DRIVE late February or early March to encourage people to register at the website and join the association. Any resident wishing to help with this membership drive should send an email to
Lois LeBlanc will call the Advocate to see about having them run a story about our neighborhood. The neighborhood stories have been an ongoing feature in Sunday's editions. If you know of any long-time resident who should be interviewed for the story, please send an email to