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Summary - March 2015 General Membership Meeting

Meaghan Beadle

We had a very interesting and informative general membership meeting on Monday evening.


Apart from the usual business of budget and approval of minutes from last year, the following items were discussed:




June Emory has had to resign from the board - we thank June for her many years of service to the IEJT Civic Association as board member and treasurer!


In addition to the remaining existing board members (Lois Leblanc, Stan Leblanc, Meaghan Beadle, Danielle Bowen, Tim Mercer, Rodney Plauche, Bret Smith, Caroline Wolf and Fran Woodiel), three new board members were elected: Pat Rusk, Nadine Harrell and Chris Reine. We welcome these new board members!

Photos appear at the end of this post. 




We are now taking nominations for April's yard of the month! Please send your nominations to


MATT WATSON, aide to Metro Council Representative Ryan Heck:


Matt attended the meeting, answered some questions and took complaints, including addressing the speedbump issue on Inniswold and traffic issues caused on other streets due to these speedbumps. A minimum of 65% of the residents of a street must sign a petition to have speedbumps installed.


Matt has been very responsive to our residents; and he encouraged us to call or email him when there are undue delays in road work, pothole repairs, etc. Matt's phone number is in the left-hand sidebar that appears on all of our website pages, so please call him if you need him.




Pat Rusk provided information and forms on voting by mail for those who are disabled or are age 65 or older, who may have difficulty getting to the polling places. If you would like more information about this process, send an email to, and we will get information to you.




Many thanks to the businesses which support IEJT through their on our website:



Red Stick Guitar and Amp, 5525 Galeria Dr Suite B (near Laser Tag, S Sherwood), 225-293-6263



Cypress Tree Service, 225-296-1317 or cell 225-572-2490 - David Roppolo, Owner



Clegg's Nursery, 5696 Siegen Lane, 292-9153



David Engle, Engle Realty, 2552 Nicholson Suite A, 225-937-4003



Room For Dessert, Organic, Vegan, Gluten & Sugar free pastries - 9618 Jefferson Hwy, Suite B - 225-293-9886






Fire Chief Gerard Tarleton spoke to the group about the upcoming tax election.


On the tax issue:




Basically, the May 2 election will include 2 taxes for St. George Fire Dept, which receives no funding from the city/parish.


One will be a 1.5 mill RENEWAL of a tax already in existence that is due to expire in December, and approval would allow renewal beginning in January.


The second tax will be a 2 mill new tax needed to build a new fire station near Bluebonnet & Nicholson, which is part of the St. George Fire Protection district but which is currently served by fire stations that are a minimum of 10 minutes away.


St. George currently has a “Class 2” fire proteciton rating, but if the taxes are approved, it is anticipate St. Geo could be re-rated in 2017 and get a rating of “Class 1”, which could potentially have a positive effect on home insurance rates.


General Information about St. George Fire Protection District:



The St. George Fire Protection District is an independent political subdivision of the State of Louisiana. The purpose of the District is to provide for the fire, emergency medical, and other emergency response needs of the over 100,000 people living within its boundaries. Those boundaries cover over 70 square miles and include the majority of East Baton Rouge Parish that is located south and east of the city limits of Baton Rouge.


The St. George Fire Department is a career fire department with 170 employees. We have a Class 2 Fire Rating. The Department operates eight engine companies and three ladder companies out of eight fire stations. This makes St. George one of the ten largest fire departments in Louisiana.


The District is supported solely by taxes and fees that the Citizens of the District have voted to impose upon themselves. The District receives no general fund support from East Baton Rouge Parish, the City of Baton Rouge, or the State of Louisiana.


Below, new Board Members (l-r) Pat Rusk, Nadine Harrell, Chris Reine: 

Below, full board

Front row, l-r: Stan Leblanc, Lois Leblanc, Nadine Harrell, Danielle Bowen

Back row, l-r:  Tim Mercer, Brett Smith, Fran Woodiel, Pat Rusk, Chris Reine, Rodney Plauche, Meaghan Beadle, Caroline Wolf: 

Below, guest speaker Matt Watson (with Brett Smith in the background): 



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