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October Board Meeting Minutes & Treasurer's Report

Meaghan Beadle

Treasurer's Report, by Vicki Sing, Treasurer, from the October 7, 2010 Board Meeting:

Checking: $5066.28

To be deposited:  $320.00

CD's:  $28,720.28

Memberships paid:  213

October Meeting Minutes:

Minutes of IEJT Board Meeting, October 7, 2010

Present: Van Heard, Keith Gray, Vicki Sing, Fran Woodiel, Stan and Lois LeBlanc, Penny Martin, Tim Mercer, David deBlieux

The treasurer’s report and membership report were presented and accepted.

Fran spoke about website concerns, specifically handling of e-mails and administrative access to ensure consistency in language and style.   

Lois was given a key to the association’s post office box. She and Vicki will collect mail. She reported on plans for the neighborhood garage sale on October 23. Ten families have signed up. Vicki will place an ad in the Advocate and Lois will compile and distribute flyers with a map and list of sales.

Stan reported on cleaning the entrance sign area and described further work needed. A work session was scheduled for Wednesday, October 13 at 5:30 pm. The members discussed maintenance of the area by doing the work ourselves or hiring a company. Stan will call Bayou Rouge Condominiums adjacent to the sign to find out about their maintenance company.

Fran asked that the mission statement of the association be posted on the website. Article 3 of the original charter and Article 4 of the amended and restated articles will be posted. This is necessary to define the scope of the duties and responsibilities of IEJT Association especially in dealing with individuals’ issues with sheriff’s department and EBR governmental agencies.

The board meeting schedule was changed to the second Wednesday of each month, except for November when the meeting will be held Wednesday, Nov. 3.

David deBlieux will check with the Clerk of Court’s office about getting an updated list of property owners for the subdivision. There is a possibility of listing all owners on the website indicating which ones have not paid dues.

David will try to get Ted Jack from BREC to attend the Nov. 3 meeting to discuss improvements to the JT park.

Stan reported on permits for placing permanent message signs at various subdivision entrances. Carey Chauvin of ERB permits division advised that we should have specifics about the type and exact locations to present to his director. Stan will get more information on types and prices of signs for the Nov. 3 meeting.

Stan reported on complaints from two residents about mowing of the school board property. These residents said bush hogs and not finish mowers were used and the area was not mowed frequently enough. This property is maintained by Aramark and there is probably a contract specifying frequency of mowing. David will draft a letter asking that the area be properly maintained.

Van and Keith received a letter from “A Concerned Citizen” about crime in the neighborhood, junked cars, unkempt property, etc. In response, David will write an article for the website about the parish litter courts which give citizens an opportunity to report these conditions to the Sheriff’s Office or DPW.

Ideas for the jambalaya scheduled for March were discussed. Possibilities included asking Coco-Cola to supply ad banners and drinks, and requesting help from Blue Cross and Associated Grocers.

Tim Mercer mentioned a book about historic neighborhoods of Baton Rouge which includes Inniswold and Jefferson Terrace.* Meeting adjourned.

*Historic Neighborhoods of Baton Rouge. Annabelle M. Armstrong. Charleston, S. C.: History Press, 2010.



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