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March 2017 General Membership Meeting

Meaghan Beadle

IEJT General Membership meeting 3/13/2017

The General Membership meeting was very well-attended, and we appreciate all those who attended. We had expected Mayor-President Sharon Weston-Broome to be at the meeting; her office had confirmed with us several weeks ago. Unfortunately, she did not show up nor did we receive any communication from her office regarding her appearance.

Our Metro Council representative, Matt Watson, DID show up, with one of his aides, Jonathan Tittlebaum. Matt has a second assistant, as well, Molly McWhorter. We have phone numbers and email addresses for all - we will make sure these are placed on our website, in the “Useful Phone Numbers” section in the left hand sidebar of the website.

Matt was well informed about issues in our neighborhood, and had a lot of good information for us.

He is working with Traffic Engineering to try to fix some traffic issues on Bluebonnet Boulevard to keep traffic moving, which would reduce the number of people using our neighborhood (Cal, Inniswold, Bluebonnet Road) as a means to avoid Bluebonnet Blvd traffic delays. Matt says many of the traffic problems in our neighborhood stem from those delays on Bluebonnet Blvd and he believes they can be relieved if Bluebonnet Blvd delays are reduced.

Matt will also be making contact with the Sheriff’s Office regarding the issue of speeding on our neighborhood streets. Civic Association President Rodney Plauche also made the point that if a sufficient number residents will call the Sheriff’s Office DAILY with complaints about the speeding, the Sheriff’s Office might be convinced to have their patrols engage in more vigorous speed control enforcement.

On the issue of street repairs — Matt said he drove through the neighborhood with a DPW official to make note of the potholes and other areas needing repair. He also said that these projects do take time to get budgeted and contracted — but Matt has done some good work on our behalf to ensure that DPW is made aware of the numerous repairs needing to be made.

About the mowing issues along Bluebonnet Blvd - many of you will recall that last summer, the medians got mowed regularly, but not the sides. A new contract was issued for that mowing, and the contract INCLUDES the sides as well as the medians. The contract also requires that trash be picked up BEFORE those areas are mowed.

The Civic Association received numerous complaints about conditions at a home at 9026 Gail (corner of Gail & Bluebonnet Rd). We have been assured that the situation at that home is being investigated.

We would also like to bring to your attention the RedStick311 app for your phone. This is a very useful app that you can use to report issues to the appropriate Metro government office. The app works with most newer phones, but if it does not work with your phone, you can accomplish the same thing by using the function on the webpage at

We introduced two new board members tonight, Frank Adair, and also Ellen Rooney. Ellen has graciously volunteered to take over the communication functions, answering emails, posting items to the Facebook page and the NextDoor network, maintaining the website and sending blast emails.



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