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Installation of "No Soliciting Signs"

Meaghan Beadle

Some of you may have noticed that "No Soliciting" signs have been installed (or are being installed) at neighborhood entrances. A list of general locations of the signs is posted at the end of this email.


The IEJT Board passed a "no soliciting" resolution and provided it to the Revenue Division of the EBR Department of Finance. The signs were approved by the Chief Traffic Engineer, then ordered, and are now being installed. The relevant legal authority is EBR Ordinance Title 12 Section 200 Chapter 3 Part II.


The "no solicitation" covers peddlers. Be aware that religious, political and charitable solicitation is not considered to be peddling.


Many thanks to all paid members of the IEJT Civic Association; it is your dues that fund these sorts of initiatives that benefit the entire neighborhood! Residents who have not yet paid their dues ($20) who wish to join will find a printable registration form (with mailing address) at our website, The website also has an option for payment of dues via paypal.


Even though we have posted these signs at the neighborhood entrances, it is also a good idea to have a "No Soliciting" sign or sticker posted near your front door.


Here are the sign locations. If you happen to notice a sign has gone missing, please send an email to, so we can replace it.


Locations are described as if drivers are entering the area.


Azrok and Upton: metal pole in front of 5722 Upton (on the left)


Floynell at Jefferson: Wooden pole just after the canal near the front of the green brick house (On the right)


Inniswold at Jefferson: wooden pole just after the canal in front of the brown house (on the left)


Bluebonnet Road at Jefferson: Wooden pole just after the canal near French Village Avenue (on the right)


Cal Road at Jefferson: Metal street light pole in front of the second house (on the left)


Cal Road at Bluebonnet Blvd. West side: Wooden pole just past the message board (on the left)


Gail at Bluebonnet Blvd. East side: wooden pole in front of 9144 Gail (on the right)


Gail at Bluebonnet Blvd. West side: Wooden pole across from Luckett’s (on the left)


Oliphant at Bluebonnet Blvd. East side: Wooden pole across from 9436 Oliphant (on the left)


Oliphant at Bluebonnet Blvd. West side: Wooden pole at 9145 Oliphant (on the right)



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