On behalf of the neighborhood, the board expressed its appreciation to the guest speakers who attended the General Membership Meeting, and also to Ted and Marie Donelson who installed solar lights in front of the Jefferson Terrace sign.
Due to conflict with another scheduled event at the BREC park, the Board decided to reschedule the neighborhood jambalaya luncheon.
The issue of connecting Oliphant to Floynell was discussed. The Board reviewed the results of the IEJT website survey, which resulted in 12 nays, 8 yeas. The board also discussed possible alternative solutions to the traffic and school safety issues.
The board wishes to continue receiving comments from residents on this issue. Please send comments to iejtonline@cox.net, and be as specific as possible with the reasoning behind your opinion. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE BOARD IS NOT TAKING ACTION on this issue at this time, but is soliciting comments from residents for the purpose of trying to determine what, if any, action should be taken.
The next board meeting is scheduled for 7 pm May 9th, 2011.