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BOARD MEETING Summary 8/5/2013

Meaghan Beadle

The IEJT Board met tonight to discuss the upcoming Neighborhood Jambalaya, which will be held September 8th, at the JT Pool, from 12 to 2. The following is a summary of the meeting, and should NOT be construed as being the official meeting minutes.


The Pool will be open during the jambalaya lunch time period for those wanting to come pick up a lunch and swim!


Each household whose dues are up to date may get one plate of Jambalaya per household member. We will also have drinks and ice cream sandwiches!


Those who have not yet paid their dues can pay at the jambalaya lunch. Annual dues are a mere $20 for the Civic Association fiscal year that runs from March to March.


Those of you who are members of the Pool know that the pool will be open that day at 1 pm for Pool members. If you wish to come a bit early and beat the crowd, you can come enjoy the pool and get a jambalaya lunch, if your Civic Association dues are paid.


VOLUNTEERS, PLEASE! We are asking for volunteers willing to help set up, serve, pick up, etc., before, during and after the jambalaya dinner! We are asking volunteers to serve 1/2 hour shifts. If you are willing to help out, please send an email to, and let us know your name, contact information and the time when you would be available. Thank you!






In other business:


1) We hope you have noticed the new pipe barrier at the park along the road. At the request of residents and your Civic Association, the City Parish agreed to put this barrier in place for safety reasons.


2) We have gotten some indication that the school board property is becoming overgrown. If you wish to request that the school board property be mowed and maintained, please contact the School Board rep for our area, Connie Bernard, whose email is



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