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August 5, 2010 - Board Meeting Minutes

Meaghan Beadle


Members present: Van Heard, President; Keith Gray, Vice President; Roxy Ricci, Secretary; Penny Martin, Richard Nagy, Stan/Lois LeBlanc

Eva and Josh Kemp-Melder were invited guests. Eva is running for EBR school board member for District 8. The election is Oct 2 and if necessary, a run-off Nov. 2. IEJT is actually made up of 2 districts and only part of the association will be eligible to vote for Eva should they decide to. She is a teacher from another parish.

The board decided that one more (at least) hard copy flyer would be written and delivered as soon as possible. Please send any information you feel should belong in this—one of the last—hard copy newsletters to Roxy Ricci at

One of the items to be included in the above distribution is information about the neighborhood garage sale. Preliminary information is on the website Calendar for October 23 and 24 and on the website Bulletin Board (click the event for further information). Final decisions will be made at the September Board meeting and publicized via flyer and on the website.

Van will write a blurb for the hand-delivered newsletter and copied to the website regarding the stolen signs. A problem was discussed when the annual dues are actually due. It was decided we would work with the treasurer to plan some sort of organized way of collecting the dues from everyone at the same time. There is also a concern about paying members who have not yet joined the website. Hopefully, this problem will correct itself via the 2 hand-delivered flyers and word of mouth.

The board wants to include the community in renovating the park. There will be further investigation about how much BREC will contribute and what exactly the neighborhood is allowed to do.

The board voted to allot $20.00 per meeting to be paid by the association to Stan/Lois LeBlanc for use of their house and snacks/drinks.

The jambalaya dinner was discussed and possibly moved to March. Locations discussed were the park or the pool parking lot. Something will be posted on the website regarding neighbors who would like to cook the jambalaya.

Van secured the information about the traffic study done for the neighborhood to see if we qualified for any more traffic signals. Below are the official results:

Jefferson Terrace Floynell Drive (near its intersection with Oliphant Road)- 85th percentile speeds were 38 mph northbound and 40 mph southbound.  The 24-hour two-way volume was 3,001 vehicles.    This street does qualify for traffic calming measures.  Does the neighborhood association have any specific requests?

Cal Road (between Floynell and Oliphant) – 85th percentile speeds were 34 mph eastbound and 36 mph westbound.  The 24-hour two-way volume was 1,820 vehicles.  The speeds weren’t quite high enough for this street to qualify.

Oliphant Road (between Cal and Danbury) – 85th percentile speeds were 34 mph northbound and 35 mph southbound.  The 24-hour two-way volume was 510 vehicles.  This street did not qualify.

The next board meeting will be held Thursday, September 2 at 7:00 pm at Stan & Lois Leblanc's home.



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