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Inniswold Estates Jefferson Terrace Civic Association
P.O. Box 82563
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70884

You may print this form, OR you may simply send us this information on a piece of paper with your check or money order for the $20 annual dues.
Send to IEJT Civic Association, PO Box 82563, Baton Rouge, LA 70884.
If you wish, you can use the PayPal function to the right ($1 surcharge for PayPal transactions). We will automatically get your name and address when PayPal notifies us of the payment.
Membership Form
Name: _____________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________
Phone (optional) _______________________________________________
e-mail address: ________________________________________________
Membership dues of $20 are due in March of each year.
You may pay your dues by check or cash at the annual General Membership Meeting.
You may use PayPay on the website to pay your dues.
Or, you may PRINT and complete this page and mail with a check made out to:
IEJT Civic Association
P.O. Box 82563
Baton Rouge, LA 70884
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